Recents in Beach

100 years of Jamia Millia Islamia: Institute with roots in national struggle On October 29, 2020, JMI turns 100, and from temporary quarters in an ashram to operating out of a set of tents for four years, the educational institution today has five schools with nine distinct faculties, 39 departments and 30 centres that educate over 21,000 students of various religious, caste, and class affiliations. October 29, 2020 at 05:42PM

On October 29, 2020, JMI turns 100, and from temporary quarters in an ashram to operating out of a set of tents for four years, the educational institution today has five schools with nine distinct faculties, 39 departments and 30 centres that educate over 21,000 students of various religious, caste, and class affiliations.

from Hindustan Times - india

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